As a leader, you have to encourage people around you to handle differences, respect one another, listen, and learn.
But how? Here are a few suggestions.
Everyone has a list of things that they want to get better at. But the problem with those lists are, they won’t complete themselves. You have to find the focus and discipline to work on them. It all boils down to forming and establishing habits. The good news is: you can do it.
In this lecture, we’ll containerize and deploy a RESTful Go microservice to a Kubernetes cluster. We’ll also learn about some important building blocks of our cluster such as Deployments, Services, ConfigMaps, Secrets, Ingresses, and the like.
z-shell has quite a bunch of startup and shutdown files. So sometimes it gets difficult to decide what kind of functions, aliases, and operations to define in which of those files.
Don’t take the phrase “you must have a mentor” too literally. The reality is you need more than a single mentor; you need your personal board of advisors if you will. But how do you find all these people? Let’s see.