In this quick video, we’ll overview a high-level overview of FizzBuzz Pro APIs.
Since FizzBuzz Pro is a work in progress, anything can change anytime; however we have to start designing somewhere. So, without further ado, here comes the video that explains the initial design:
FizzBuzz.Pro High-Level System Architecture
As I said in the video, I’ll create additional content in the form of articles, source code, and more videos as I continue implementing FizzBuzz Pro.
It’ll be an awesome learning journey. Stay tuned 🎵.
Resources and Additional Reading
Here are some of the concepts that we covered in the video that you might want to drill down further.
- What is username enumeration
- OWASP Cheatsheet Series
- JSON Web Tokens
- Best Practices for Designing Pragmatic RESTful API
Next Up
Next on my video production queue are:
- How to harden our IAM account security.
- A quickie about Ghost theme development.
- And a mini-series about provisioning an AKS cluster and configuring TLS, Ingress, networking and other magic.
There will be a lot of cool content coming up. Wait for it.
Until the next video… May the source be with you 🦄.